Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 14 Recovery Day 13, 12

Woke up, did my warm up stretch.  Calves still feel pretty tight in the mornings.  It did get better after a few more stretches.  Took a shower and calves feel better.  Could walk pretty good today.  Park will be teaching me how to do aspiration myself today.  Got to clinic at 2 and was seated on the operation table.  Was extremely nervous.  Park inserted the needle into my left calf.  I was supposed to pull the syringe to extract the blood.  Could do it a little bit but towards the end it got really hard to pull more.  Then Park told me to insert the needle myself into the right calf.  Was able to get it in but couldn't pull the syringe hard enough because of my left hand.  Started to feel faint and had to lie down on the table.  Park helped finish the extraction.  I was really dizzy and started breaking into cold sweat.  Really nervous as to how I can do this on my own.  Afterwards were given extra syringes and my stocking.  Park said I might need 2-3 more aspirations on my own.  Got back to residence to rest a while before heading to my 4pm appointment at DA.  Turns out Bok Soon didn't have a car today but she offered to walk me there.  It was quite a bit of a long walk and had to take a break in between.  Got my stiches removed which was just a little bit painful when the nurse snipped the first bit.  Saw the surgeon for a few seconds and it was all done.  Walked back with Bok Soon and she sent me to the metro station because I had to do some last minute shopping.  Legs were quite tired by then so took a lot of rests along the way.  After shopping I couldn't walk anymore and took cab back.  Going to take it easy tonight because will be leaving tmr.

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