Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day 6 Recovery Day 5, 4

Legs felt really uncomfortable whole night.  It wasn't exactly painful, more of a cramped feeling where I feel like I need someone to pull my legs out to stretch them out?  Woke up at around 930 and legs were quite stiff.  Even after a few stretches, they still haven't really soften up.  After shower, it got a bit better.  I decided to see if I could get someone to clean my room from downstairs reception.  Since it was a Sunday, they said the only cleaner is fully booked and can only clean it tmr.  I decided to test my water and went out for a short walk.  It wasn't too bad and I walked back and fourth outside for a while.  Then I had the crazy idea of meeting another former living in Young Dong which was actually quite close to where I am.  The only problem is going up and down the hill.  I tried going down midway and went back up for a rest.  It wasn't too bad so I took the plunge.  I think I took around 7 rests along the way.  I was quite scared at one point because I wasn't sure whether the hotel was big enough for me to spot it.  Finally, I got there and met up with forumer.  We chat a bit, stretched a bit and rested a while before going out for lunch.  We had Korean bbq and it was quite tasty.  The only problem was I couldn't elevate my legs so after sitting down for 20 mins, I almost couldn't stand up properly.  Good thing the restaurant was quite empty so I went to the side to do some stretches.  I went to do stretches a few times during the meal and it was quite relieving.  Afterwards, we went back to the hotel again to elevate legs and do stretch.  It was a lot nicer to talk with someone during recovery!  After a while, we decided to go to a café for drinks.  I took 2 rests this time and we went to a café nearby my residence.  I could also elevate my legs here so we talked a bit more.  Even though I did so much walking today, I feel that my stretches are easier to do when I got back to the residence.

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