Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 5 Recovery Day 4, 3

Woke up and wasn't too hard getting out of bed.  Think continuous stretching from last night really helped a lot.  Did some stretches went to washroom.  Uncomfortable because period came.  Face is still swollen, calves feel better.  Last day taking sineech pills.  Going to OZ at 2 today to renew bandages.  Arrived at OZ and waited a bit.  Nurse Amy wasn't very friendly and after a while went to operation room to remove bandages.  She noted my legs were very swollen and also saw the water bubble near the incision area.  It was slightly painful when removing the water resistant tape.  Afterwards Park came in to wrap one of my calves.  I can see a noticeable difference in left calf but right is still very swollen.  Park did not mention anything just asked how I was feeling.  When I asked how much muscle was removed, he looked at Amy and she seemed a bit irritated when going into a room to check the figures.  She came back with 480mg I think which I'm not sure if it's very much.  Park said I should see noticeably difference though because he removed "a lot".  I'm still feeling quite skeptical because of the short operation time.  How can he take out more than expected when the surgery was less than 2 hrs?  I do hope he's right though.  When I pressed him further what he thinks my final measurements will be, he also gave a noncommitting answer saying it depends on my post op care.  I asked if 34cm would be achievable and he again answered "hopefully".  It's a bit frustrating but I guess he has his reasons not to give any promises.  At least my left leg already have visual difference.  After that, I went back to my room and was extremely hungry.  I've been living off biscuits and processed food the past few days and really wanted some solid real food.  Finally decided to go downstairs and see if they could help me order take out.  Bok Soon was sitting there chatting with a PS patient.  Turns out he just had a V line surgery and we chatted while waiting for my food.  The food took a while and was finally able to go upstairs to eat.  The sitting time made my legs very stiff again so had to stretch right away after eating.  Legs seem more stiff than yesterday and stretching were actually a bit more difficult.  Seems like I'm going back instead of moving forward in recovery.  Had headache and laid in bed a while.  Took a panadol and resumed stretches a bit.  Went to sleep around 1am.  Am hopeful to see if I could walk out to nearby café tmr.

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