Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 16 Recovery Day 15, 14

Face:  can tell the jawline is more defined.  Sides of face still a little bruised and hoping the two bulges would disappear soon.
Woke up with tight calves.  After a few stretches, they were better.  Managed to take a shower okay.  Went outside to grab a takeout for lunch.  Still couldn't walk too fast but my slow walk almost looks normal.  Stayed home the whole day after that doing stretches and elevating legs.  Legs are less swollen now but my feet are still pretty swollen.  Took a nap and woke up again with tight legs.  It was okay after a few stretches.  Took another shower in the evening and measured my calves for the first time.  Original size was 40cm for both and now left calf is 36 and right is 36.5.  Hopefully will go down even more.  First self aspiration will be on 31st.

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