Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 15 Recovery Day 14, 13

Woke up did a few stretches and took a quick shower.  Had to pack up and check out at 12.  Kind of rushed and managed to leave my luggage at the residence before heading out.  Had a haircut and perm and was able to take metro.  Legs were a bit tight after sitting at the salon.  Managed to get back on time and carried luggage to bus stop.  It was more than an hour bus ride to the airport so dozed off a bit.  Woke up and legs were a bit stiff.  Walked around the airport with an obvious limp and rested a few times.  Boarded the plane and thankfully had an emergency exit seat.  Even though I couldn't stretch my legs all the way out, it was still a bit better.  The 3.5 hour flight was okay but legs felt very swollen.  Was a very tiring trip and couldn't wait to go back home to stretch out.  Didn't do a lot of stretches today.  Got home and showered first time standing up.  It was a bit difficult but still managed. 

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